Treatment shoulder pain

Every day at Fysio & Sport, we treat dozens of patients with shoulder pain or a shoulder injury. For example, you have pain when lying in bed, you have trouble reaching or lifting the arm, you can't put on your coat properly, let alone do overhead sports or exercises. The symptoms have arisen suddenly with a wrong movement or fall or dormant with no apparent cause.

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  • "I met Tristan two years ago. I immediately had a very good feeling during my first treatment. Tristan is knowledgeable, supportive, and above all very good at his work. His passion and love for his profession do a client only good. You learn a lot during a treatment which is nice to apply in your own daily routine. Tristan listens and acts. Through his empathetic ability, he knows better than anyone what you need. All in all, a real top performer! I don't want anyone else anymore."

    Roxanne Perko
  • "Tristan's treatments were very effective. Within a few treatments, I was free from my complaints while I had been dealing with them for a longer period of time. He gives very good explanations for what he does and why he does it. Tristan is a physiotherapist who looks beyond the problem and looks at possible causes. This method has helped me a lot, I am very satisfied with it. I would recommend this physiotherapist to anyone!"

    Eva Veldhorst
  • "Just had a treatment with Tristan. I have made significant progress in my recovery. I was well helped and no longer have any pain in my calf. In addition to helping you with your treatment, Tristan also listens well to your complaints and wants to sincerely help you with your complaints and other things. Tristan is a pleasant person and the treatments he gives are excellent!"

    Ken Deckers
  • "Treated twice by Tristan and both times have been excellent. He clearly explains what he does and why. In addition, he offers effective exercises to speed up recovery at home."

    Tamar Luneburg
  • "Extremely professionally helped by Tristan! The focus at Fysio & Sport Maastricht is on recovery and strengthening so that the injury does not come back in the long term. All aspects of an injury, both mental and physical, are taken into account in order to get a clear overall picture and to strike precisely where improvement is needed."

    Jelte Dirks
  • "Tristan has a lot of knowledge about his profession. For each action, he explains well what he is going to do. He looks for the real place of the problem and continues with treatments until it is fully recovered. So it's top!"

    Marie van Beek
  • "Super nice physiotherapist, very professional and friendly. I was really well helped with my back problems. Recommended!"

    Bernice d’Anjou
  • "Tristan is the perfect personal trainer to help you with your personal sports goals thanks to his enormous amount of knowledge and enthusiasm. His experience as a physiotherapist also ensures a trajectory in which account is taken of the unique characteristics and mobility of your body. His accessibility and involvement ensure that I can always contact him with any questions! With his sport-specific training program, he also prepares my body in detail for triathlons."

    Coen von Berg
  • "Not only the complaints are looked at, but also attention is paid to the cause of this. A lot of professional knowledge and during the treatment there is an explanation of what is being done. I am glad that I went to this physiotherapist!"

    Angela Curfs
  • "Fysio & Sport Maastricht is definitely recommended: professional treatments, solution-oriented approach, relaxed atmosphere, pleasant communication and there is collaboration with the client."

    Ryanda Soomers
  • "Super helped in recovering from my running injury. Fine guidance and new running techniques learned to continue pain-free!"

    Louke Borgers

The shoulder girdle consists of the thoracic spine, the scapula on the trunk and the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint is a head-and-comb joint which can normally rotate and tilt in all directions. When we suffer from a shoulder complaint or shoulder injury, there is often an imbalance in the shoulder girdle between the mobility of the shoulder joint and the control of the muscles in and around the shoulder girdle. Because of this imbalance, there can be an overload in the muscle, tendon and joint apparatus that causes us pain in the shoulder girdle.

One of the most common shoulder complaints or shoulder injuries is impingement or entrapment. Due to the imbalance in the shoulder, tendon material gets stuck between the shoulder head and the shoulder roof.


Meet Sarah, a hardworking professional who has been dealing with shoulder pain for a while now.

Despite trying various over-the-counter pain remedies, Sarah's pain persisted and began to greatly impact her daily activities, including her job as a nurse which requires her to lift and move patients frequently. She began to experience increased fatigue and difficulty sleeping due to the pain, and was worried that her condition would affect her ability to perform her job to the best of her abilities.

Sarah finally sought help from Physio4athletes, a physiotherapy clinic that specializes in helping athletes and active individuals with musculoskeletal pain. After a thorough assessment, the physiotherapist identified that Sarah's pain was caused by a combination of poor posture and repetitive motions at work.

The physiotherapist developed a customized treatment plan that included specific exercises and stretches aimed at improving Sarah's posture, as well as addressing any muscle imbalances that may have contributed to her injury. She also provided Sarah with education on proper ergonomics and injury prevention strategies. After just a few weeks of treatment, Sarah's pain had significantly decreased and she was able to return to work with renewed energy and confidence.

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